Monday, April 4, 2011

Casino Night Fundraising Event!


Last week I had my first experience helping out with a casino night fundraising event with Strive for College. In the future my goal is to help organize fundraisers for organizations in addition to carrying out the set plans. Organizing fundraisers is still unfamiliar to me since I’m generally more comfortable with focusing on volunteering. It seems difficult and intimidating convincing people to part with their hard earned cash. However I’ve realized without the funds…there is no volunteering or the means to support the people you’re volunteering for. The elimination of valuable social programs and volunteer organizations result in major consequences for the community.

I thought the idea of a casino night was pretty creative. I’m amazed by how professional the fundraising committee was at delegating the tasks, garnering support from local businesses and having the proper set up for the games. The other volunteers were dressed appropriately for the events, while I stuck out like a sore thumb with a bright blue shirt (aargh!). They also gave short lessons on how to be a dealer at the event. Being a dealer required having a certain amount of savvy, conversational skills and love for the game. 

The competition to get participants for fundraising events is very stiff on college campuses; therefore getting visibility through effective publicizing is key for a successful event. The most important components to publicizing fundraising events on campus are networking with other organizations, businesses and influential students, advertising incentives for attendance, utilizing technology and online social networks, having a fun event(match interests with demographics), supporting a cause that students care about, creating significance (hype) for your organization and designating the best time and location for the event. Without these elements it’s pretty difficult to have a fruitful fundraising event. 

I think Strive was able to design a fun event at the right time and location, the cause is relatable to students since it’s associated with expanding educational opportunities, the coupons to quality restaurants for the participants and pizza for the volunteers created incentives and they used Facebook to invite participants. However since we’re new on the campus scene we still need the hype, history and the networks. So this event opened my eyes to two challenges …difficult challenges to pursue. I need to learn about organizing fundraising events, designing creative ideas and networking for organizations.

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Sylvie Branch said...

I am often roped into helping organize fundraisers....looking forward to your updates!
Sylvie Branch

Dianne Heath said...

@ Sylvie Branch

Fundraiser is pretty difficult, so if you're good at organizations will be roping you in for a long time, lol.

Writer721 said...

Like "poddys" below, I was surprised by Catholic schools holding gambling fundraisers too. Nice "C" post, by the way. Here's mine:
My Heart Blogs to You

poddys said...

It always amused me that at the Catholic School which my daughters attend, they have an annual Jamboree fund raiser, that includes gambling as well as the sale of alcohol.

Off the Record with Debbie and Tony

rodney southern said...

Enjoying your postings. Great job!

Popping in by way of the A-Z Challenge. I’m blogging at:

Dianne Heath said...

@ rodney southern

Thanks for the link! I've been trying to find you, lol. Off the check out your blog...

Dianne Heath said...

@ poddys

Whoa...that's pretty amazing. Seems like alcohol is the hidden addition to many fundraisers...

Lydia Kang said...

It sounds like fun way to fundraise...particularly for people like me who never go to casinos and wouldn't like to lose money gambling. For a good cause'd be different.

Dianne Heath said...

@ Lydia
I agree, many my not feel comfortable in an actual casino, however at a small charity event, it's a new fun experience. Plus you don't have to cry over the money loss.

pbquig said...

I love a casino for fundraising or otherwise. They got banned in RI so that big casino gambling wouldn't come in by a loophole in law. However, we have casino gambling and no more casino nights, love our lawmakers.

Pirate Knitting

Luana Krause said...

Looks like a lot of fun...hope your event is successful!

Dianne Heath said...

@ pbquig
Seems like something a bible belt state would do...interesting.

@ Luana Krause
It went pretty well. But since we are new, we weren't able to raise in the thousands.

~Claire~ said...

You definitely have a challenge ahead of you. Luckily, there's a lot of ideas out there for fundraising, so I hope you find what you need in a timely manner! Great "C" post, and thank you for stopping and leaving a comment on my blog:)

Marvin L Foushee said...

When you check into your account on a public computer, you need to logout before your leave. These computers keeps you logged into your account, even after you close your browser. I am logging you out from this computer in the Carolina Union. If someone made you look like an ijit at the Harvard Crimson using your DISQUS account, don't blame me! Just joking.

Treat others as you, yourself, would like to be treated.--Confucius

Trisha said...

Congrats on your fundraiser! :)

Michelle in a shell said...

Oh this does sound interesting! Knowing how to properly fundraise seems like a requirement for so many jobs these days! Thanks for pointing that out :)

nutschell said...

fundraising can be tough. but it sounds like you managed.
Great meeting you through the A-Z!


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